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Group of old-school blues rockers that can get any crowd going. Sick licks on the guitar, accompanied by solid vocals. Bassist and drummer were having a blast and making each song exciting for the audience. Overall good vibes and sweet style. Stoked to be able to hear Blind Pony at Winters Tavern for the Indigenous Peoples Day Music Festival!

--Mariya Nazarova



Kent Klineman is Blind Pony's songsmith, lead singer and guitarist. He grew up in New York City where he first became involved in music and acting. He wrote his first song while hitchhiking through Greece at age 19.     After winning a Tony Award on Broadway in Death of a Salesman, Kent moved to LA in 2000.  

He met the real Blind Pony in Big Sur, and the band had a name.

David Raven is one of LA's premiere drummers. He has recorded or performed with  Shelby Lynne, Keith Richards, Mike Ness, John Doe, Steve Earle, Norah Jones, Greg Ginn (of Black Flag), Meat Puppets, Dave Alvin, Nellie McKay, and the list goes on.

Anthony Cook has been defined as a bassist who can play in any genre and in any setting. He allows each song to breathe by providing space, and knows when to provide defined movement to propel songs to a higher level. 

Blind Pony has played many of LA’s premier venues: The Viper Room, The Echo, The Mint, State Social House, The Escondite, Paladino’s, Davey Wayne’s, Silverlake Lounge, The Cinema Bar, Maui Sugar Mill and many others. And in CA: The Siren in SLO, Milk Bar and Winters Tavern in SF and many others.

Blind Pony music is Psych Blues Rock with flashes of punk, folk and Country. They have been compared to Neil Young and The Black Keys.



             Wil Forbis Review

I walked into the Cinema Bar one recent summer Sunday night with high expectations. Though the tavern is small, it's developed an insider's reputation as a remarkably consistent showcase for top-notch Los Angeles singer/songwriters. And when Blind Pony took the stage and began belting out hook laden, 1970s working class rock 'n roll I knew I would not be disappointed.


Blind Pony is something of a ball of contradictions. Just when I thought I had them pegged as credible interpreters of Tom Petty style rock, they switched over to much more psychedelic, "Animals" era Pink Floyd vein. From there I heard bits of Neil Young, REM and even the raw ferocity of Iggy Pop in his heyday. The band is tight --- locked into a pounding groove for up-tempo numbers, but quite comfortable to wield a lighter touch for ballads and lo-fi offerings. Front man Kent Klineman sweats authenticity and earnestly belts out vocals with an energy too rarely found in much of the modern music scene. And he has a knack for penning eclectic lyrics that catch the listeners ear. "I'm Freudian, I'm Jungian, I'm analyzing all the time" he sang during an intense acoustic number entitled "Go Down."


After the band performed their set and a much requested encore, they stepped off stage and proved to be quite approachable, eagerly mingling with a new bar room of fans. They clearly seem driven more by the desire to create good music than ego and that resonates in their performance. I heartily recommend any opportunity to take in one of their shows.


-Wil Forbis, author of Acid Logic. ..

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